When I go outside in the morning to walk in the beautiful Blue River forest, this sacred place I call my home, I always open my heart to listening and observing. I await the messages from the land, God, the great spirit that moves through all things, and all that the animals have to teach me about myself.
Everything is a reflection to teach me something about myself... I learned this from the teachings of an Apache elder. Everything teaches me. So I listen and watch and hear the messages as I sit quietly in the morning on the land.
As I walked to the river this morning, a mallard couple floating in the river stop to watch me and then wander on down the river sensing the danger but continuing calmly on, not fleeing but rolling gently with the flow in the rich beautiful background of the sunrise .
As I watched them meander along, I thought about how courageous they were. That though they belonged to the river and had been here all their lives, loving one another and raising their young, they were always in constant danger . Coyotes, bobcats, raccoons and foxes were always lurking at the edge seeing them as food. Eagles, Owls and and hawks flew over head increasing their danger of being part of the food that creates the circle of life.
Snapping turtles could snap their feet and drag them under at a moments notice... yet they traveled on together just as if there was nothing to fear at all. Going about their business in their Beautiful home. They were Just Being who they were. Ducks, loving this peaceful morning on this sacred river as they floated along - right where they were meant to be.
Even though they were always in constant danger, they didn’t choose to focus on the danger of being in the world. They lived in each moment, moving forward, driven by some silent force that told them it was all as it was meant to be and that no matter what, everything was going to be alright.
I walked closer to the river after they floated around the bend and suddenly there was another couple of mallards. I hadn’t been careful that they didn’t see me and they started swimming quickly up river, opposite of the calm ones going with the flow down the river . They pushed against the flow and as soon as they rounded the bend they quickly swam up river where the water was shallow. In order to feel safe they sounded their alarm and flew far away up river.
Even though the entire time I was really no threat. It was just the idea of me, my “kind” (the threat that man has created) that hunted and killed them that didn’t feel safe. Because of instinct about the relationship with man, they developed the fear. They chose to go against the flow of the river. Out of self preservation and the ancient fight or flight mentality that had kept them alive for centuries, they chose to be afraid and leave.
As I watched the reflection of the water I saw myself. I can choose to be the ducks as they teach me to just go with the flow, enjoy where I am, live in the moment and be unafraid . What has hurt me in the past is not happening now.
Or I can choose also to live in fear, push against the current and swim up river and fly away. It is my survival instinct, but I can choose my path in how I want to react to the danger I perceive around me.
They teach me the choices I have inside and that I can chose to feel calm and to flow with life unafraid, have the courage to know I belong here and remember that I am safe. and that everything is going to be alright.
Overhead the sound of two kingfishers chattered as they dance in the sky above me. Celebrate they say. You can be here now . Let your spirit soar. Rejoice in this day, this place and the coming of spring. Everything is going to be alright. Live in this moment, here and now . Enjoy this blessed life . You have a choice to Be in the now like the calm mallards in the same river of life . With the same dangers as the other mallards that swam in fear.
Flow with the river, listen to the river and the message of the mallards. Though there is always the possibility of danger, you belong here. Enjoy the moment . Enjoy the beauty. And just be yourself.